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Cecilia 07.11.2020 09:33

I have a jar of summerhoney that expires 050719 and a jar that expires 090720. Are they OK to eat? Best regards, Cecilia

Bi-Kongen 07.11.2020 13:49

As long as the surface on the honey is clean and not a foam layer on the honey (sign of fermenting).

Bi-Kongen 07.11.2020 13:46

Hi Cecilia
Normally there is nothing wrong with honey older than the expired date, if it has been kept at room temperature or cooler it can last for many years.

Mariann Ettrup 06.06.2020 12:20

Kan man købe hjemme hos dig i hjallerup

Bi-Kongen 06.06.2020 15:19

Hej Mariann
Ja det kan sagtens lade sig gøre. Du må meget gerne sende en besked inde på vores FB side BI-KONGEN eller en SMS for at aftale et tidspunkt.

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Nyeste kommentarer

07.11 | 13:49

As long as the surface on the honey is clean and not a foam layer on the honey (sign of fermenting).

07.11 | 13:46

Hi Cecilia
Normally there is nothing wrong with honey older than the expired date, if it has been kept at room temperature or cooler it can last for many years.

07.11 | 09:33

I have a jar of summerhoney that expires 050719 and a jar that expires 090720. Are they OK to eat? Best regards, Cecilia

27.09 | 17:23

Dejligt at høre at du synes min honning😀

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